ROSES-24 Blog

C.26 Rapid Mission Design Studies for Mars Sample Return Correction and Other Documents Posted

C.26 Rapid Mission Design Studies for Mars Sample Return (RASMSR) solicits industry proposals to carry out rapid studies of mission designs and mission elements capable of delivering samples collected by the Mars Perseverance rover from the surface of Mars to…

Correction and Clarification of C.26 Rapid Mission Design Studies for Mars Sample Return

C.26 Rapid Mission Design Studies for Mars Sample Return solicits industry proposals to carry out rapid studies of mission designs and mission elements capable of delivering samples collected by the Mars Perseverance rover from the surface of Mars to Earth.…

Amendment 11: Physical Oceanography not solicited in ROSES-2024

When it is offered, ROSES program element A.8 Physical Oceanography (PO) solicits proposals to better understand the ocean’s role in the Earth system and its changing climate, such as ocean physics of a warming Earth and interpreting future climate projections…

Amendment 10: B.9 Heliophysics Low-Cost Access to Space Final Text and Proposal Due Date.

B.9 Heliophysics Low Cost Access to Space (H-LCAS) solicits proposals on key heliophysics science questions and to advance the development of technologies and their application to enable new investigations of heliophysics science questions in the coming years. This is achieved…

Amendment 9: New Opportunity: C.26 Rapid Mission Design Studies for Mars Sample Return

C.26 Rapid Mission Design Studies for Mars Sample Return solicits industry proposals to carry out rapid studies of mission designs and mission elements capable of delivering samples collected by the Mars Perseverance rover from the surface of Mars to Earth.…

A.3 Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Inclusion Plan Correction

A.3 Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry (OBB) focuses on better understanding the ocean’s role in the Earth System, and predicting future causes and impacts of change driven by Earth’s climate, the environment, and event-scale phenomena on ocean biology, biogeochemistry, and ecology.…

Amendment 8 A.44 Earth Action: Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team Final Text and Due Dates.

A.44 Earth Action: Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQ AST) seeks proposals to form a Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team that will apply Earth observations to improve and develop decision-making activities and enable transition and adoption…

Amendment 7: Euclid General Investigator Final Text and Due Dates

The Euclid General Investigator (GI) Program (EGIP) solicits proposals for basic research focused on data from the ESA Euclid mission including the following areas: ROSES-2024 Amendment 7 releases final text and due dates for D.18 Euclid General Investigator (GI) Program,…

A.23 Terrestrial Hydrology POC Change

The NASA Terrestrial Hydrology program (THP) has the scientific objective to use remote sensing to develop a predictive understanding of the role of water in land-atmosphere interactions and to further the scientific basis of water resources management. The NASA THP…

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