Transform to Open Science

NASA's Transform to Open Science (TOPS) initiative is designed to transform agencies, organizations, and communities to an inclusive culture of open science. TOPS's first priority is to develop the infrastructure to train scientists and researchers as part of our 5-year program. The open science curriculum will introduce those beginning their open science journey to important definitions, tools, and resources; and provide participants at all levels recommendations on best practices.

What is TOPS?

Transform to Open Science (TOPS) is a NASA initiative designed to rapidly transform agencies, organizations, and communities to an inclusive culture of open science. TOPS is part of NASA’s Open-Source Science Initiative. NASA’s TOPS initiative will allow us to create a scientific culture that is ready for 21st century challenges.

Recent Posts

Explore blog posts to discover compelling open science success stories and gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of transparent and collaborative research. Engaging with these narratives provides a firsthand account of the positive impact open science can have on various fields, inspiring a deeper appreciation for its principles and potential benefits.

AI for Earth: How NASA's Artificial Intelligence and Open Science Efforts Combat Climate Change (External Link)

As extreme weather events increase around the world due to climate change, the need for further research into our warming planet has...

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Unveiling the Sun: NASA’s Open Data Approach to Solar Eclipse Research (External Link)

As the world eagerly anticipates the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, NASA is preparing for an extraordinary opportuni...

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Open Science: Contributing to a Culture of Inclusivity for the Next Generation (External Link)

To me, open science represents the easily available, worldwide access to data and science for future generations to expand on. Ackno...

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NASA's Science Discovery Engine Transforms Science Accessibility (External Link)

As a key component of NASA’s Open Source Science Initiative (OSSI), the Science Discovery Engine (SDE) offers a new, powerful discov...

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TOPS Strategies

TOPS Open Science mission strategy is centered around fostering a collaborative and transparent research ecosystem, increasing awareness of Open Science in Action, highlighting the greater impact of scientific efforts and more equitable access to science results.


TOPS engages with researchers and institutions by attending conferences, publishing stories, and expanding knowledge of open science.

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Capacity Sharing

Promotes the exchange of knowledge, data, and resources through the open science 101 curriculum, workshops, events, cohorts, and more.

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Encourages and rewards research that utilizes open science practices through high profile awards and funding opportunities.

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Emphasizes collaboration with the broader community to ensure efforts align with the global advancement of open and accessible research.

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Open Science 101 Curriculum

The Open Science 101 curriculum is a 5-module curriculum designed to equip researchers, students and citizen scientists with the knowledge and skills to navigate the principles and practices of open science, including developing an open science and data management plan. Expand your Open Science expertise and equip yourself with the essential skills required to excel in the realm of open science. Sign up today to embark on your journey towards advancing your open science proficiency and gain your NASA Open Science Certification.

Explore Curriculum Modules

Find TOPS at Events

We invite you to visit us at various events where TOPS will be featured, including scientific meetings and gatherings of historically underrepresented communities. Our presence at these events is a unique opportunity to engage with us in a dynamic learning environment and connect with fellow open science enthusiasts. Our presence at these events range from plenary sessions and engaging town halls to informative exhibit booths. Additionally, we are proud to offer workshops specifically designed to teach Open Science 101 at conferences and events around the country and look forward to expanding these offerings to include more free in-person and online options. Stay tuned for more details on upcoming events.


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